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filling the void

Sunday, December 24, 2006


This is monkey. Happee Monkee, to be precise. Monkey was given to me by a person I like very much. Monkey is really soft and, as you can see, very very cute (much like me, thank you very much).
Monkey is sitting on my desk, on top of some things, and I think I'll keep Monkey there for a while. To keep me company in the darkness of winter. Monkey makes me feel good, and Monkey is incredibly cute (like the person who gave me Monkey).

I like Monkey. Isn't Monkey cute?



  • Little miss Nadine told me all about the monkey and ... about YOU! You are one lucky bastard going out with someone as unique and wonderful as she! May you have lots of merry times together, even when it is no longer Christmas!!!

    By Blogger Astrid, at Wednesday, December 27, 2006 at 8:40:00 PM GMT+1  

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